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The "fat blues" from Lueneburg heath

©Bund deutscher Heidelbeeranbauer, Daniel Moeller
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH

Germany's largest blueberry-producing region and one of the largest in Europe is located on Lueneburg Heath.

The heath plant flourishes very successfully in the native soil. Around 50 farms and plantations currently cultivate the fat and juicy blueberries on an area of some 500 hectares. Pay a visit to one of the many blueberry farms during the berry season between July and September and pick your own straight from the bush! You can also buy blueberries from regional farm shops during the season.

Bilberry - Blueberry - Huckleberry
or the "fat blues"


Blueberries, also known as
bilberries, huckleberries or simply “fat blues”, are cultivated on plantations
where they grow on bushes of around 1.5 metres in height. Ripe berries are
blue-black in colour and about the size of a pea. Cultivated blueberries ripen
from mid-July to the end of August, depending on the type. The later types are
ripe around mid-September. Cultivated blueberries come in various sizes (up to
the size of cherries) and grow in clusters on bushes of different sizes. The
small ones measure 60 to 80 cm in height, while larger bushes can reach up to 2
metres. The types grown in the region are the following (listed by time of
ripeness): Earliblue, Bluetta, Bluecrop, Berkley and Dixi.


Blueberries always taste delicious
and are healthy to boot

Berry lovers appreciate the fruit
not only as nature intended but also in the form of wine, juice, jam and honey.
Not only do they taste great – they have also made a name for themselves as a
medicinal berry as they are rich in vitamins and minerals that support healthy
eyesight and are gentle on the digestive system.


Would you like to choose your own

Then simply go berry-picking on one
of the many blueberry plantations. You can purchase the products made with
blueberries from the farm shops in the region during berry season. Of course,
local cafés and restaurants will also be pleased to serve you delicious
blueberry delicacies. You can obtain addresses from the Lueneburg Heath Tourist
information Offices.


Blue Farms

The “Blue Farms” – an association
of authentic blueberry producers who welcome guests and show them around the
plantation – offer a special kind of berry experience. Every farm is unique!
Each one of the “Blue Farms” is worth a visit in its own right – no two farms
are the same. Discover your berry feeling and enjoy the blueberry in all its


Tip: A visit to a farm shop or
plantation is ideal for combining with a cycle tour.


Farm shops and plantations with
blueberries in Lueneburg Heath

  • Wichmans´ Hof (Dorfstraße 5, 27336 Häuslingen)
  • Beerenhof Lohse (Rodewalder Str. 36, 29690 Gilten)
  • Corporals Bickbeerland (An der L190, Esseler Kreuzung, 29690 Essel)
  • Gerd und Marita Flegel (Rodewalder Str. 35, 29690 Gilten)
  • Heermann´s Blaubeerland (Grethemer Hauptstraße 35, 29690 Grethem)
  • Stefan Lohse (Rodewalder Straße 14, 29690 Gilten)
  • Paulshof Pralle (Holzgartenweg 4, 29693 Eickeloh)
  • Fröhlichs Hofladen (Schulstraße 2, 27336 Groß Häuslingen)
  • Hofladen Hohls (Hainholzstraße 36, 27336 Rethem/Aller)
  • Hof Hellmann (Brinkstraße 8, 29693 Eickeloh)
  • Beerenhof Raimund Schliephake (Altenwahlingen 60, 29693 Böhme)
  • Spargelhof Strampe GbR (Lüneburger Landstraße 1, 21398 Neetze)
  • Mühlenhof Wittenwater (Wittenwater 4, 29593 Schwienau)
  • Müllers Heidelbeeren (Lindener Weg 6, 29581 Groß Süstedt)
  • Helkenhof GbR (Bockhorn 1, 29664 Walsrode)
  • Heidelbeerplantage Kröger van Houdt (Bockhorn 16, 29664 Walsrode)
  • Brückel Heidelbeeren (Bockhorn 40, 29664 Walsrode)
  • Heidelbeerhof Dieter Block (Groß Eilstorf 44, 29664 Walsrode)
  • Alp´s Hof Jürgen Oestmann (Südkampen 27, 29664 Walsrode)
  • Die Moosbeerhütte (Kötnerende 11, 29690 Gilten)
  • Blaubeergarten GmbH (Grethemer Hauptstraße 35, 29690 Grethem)
  • Paulshof (Holzgartenweg 4, 29693 Eickeloh)
  • Conrad Hogrefe (Walsroder Straße 9, 29693 Eickeloh)
  • Heidelbeerhof Bolte (Lichtenmoorer Straße 3, 31634 Steimbke)
  • Heidelbeerplantage Vogeler (Zum Weidegut 2, 31634 Steimbke)
  • Hofladen Dornhoff (Am alten Dorf

    27, 29320
