Gently rising heath areas, deep rushing forests and idyllic rivers - hiking enthusiasts can experience the unique landscape of the southern heath on circular hiking trails at any time of the year.
The "hiking paradise Südheide" was opened in 2012 for our guests in the nature park Südheide:
23 theme-based circular hiking trails over a total length of almost 400 km were worked out and documented both with information boards and in the accompanying natural history brochure. The paths are closely signposted with pictograms on oak posts so that you can always find your way around the site. You will find extensive information on all circular hiking trails in the Südheide under this article.
Decide for yourself how far you want to go...
In order to meet the different needs of the hikers, at most starting points there is the possibility to choose between a short, a medium and a long tour of approx. 2 to 20 kilometres in length. In many cases, the trails start at one of the newly equipped parking places and barbecue areas. The shelters and benches along the way invite you to stay and rest for a while.
Next to the circular hiking trails, 5 special theme trails have been created on which cultural-historical features are highlighted, thus deepening the experience of nature:
- Heidepanoramaweg
- Barrierefreier Rundwanderweg Angelbecksteich
- Heideerlebnispfad Schillohsberg
- Walderlebnispfad "Der Urwald im Lüß"
- Rundwanderweg "Historisches Eversen"
- Naturpark-Informationszentrum Eschede
Circular hiking trails along the Heidschnuckenweg
The Lüneburger Heide has a very special highlight for hikers to offer: The "Heidschnuckenweg", also opened in 2012, is a 223 km long quality hiking trail and was voted Germany's most popular hiking trail by hikers in 2014. From Hamburg to Celle, the Heidschnuckenweg combines the most beautiful heath areas with the natural spectacles of the heath. Some particularly beautiful sections lead through the Südheide Nature Park and the Celle region. You can experience these on the following circular hiking trails:
Stage 8: Wietzendorf - Müden (Örtze)
- Sagenhafte Sicht im Elfenland (W4)
- Fluss-Wald-Erlebnispfad (W3)
Stage 9: Müden (Örtze) - Faßberg
- Fluss-Wald-Erlebnispfad (W3)
Stage 10: Faßberg - Oberoher Heide
- Der Wacholderwald in der Teufelsheide (W1)
- Kieselgur - das Gold in der Heide (W5)
- Wo der Wald mit der Heide kusselt (W2)
Stage 11: Oberoher Heide - Weesen
- In einem Bächlein helle (W6)
- Gauß´sche Vermessungspunkte im Bergland der Südheide (W 7)
- Heideerlebnispfad
Stage 12: Weesen - Dehningshof
- Home of the Heidschnucke (W10)
- Auf den Spuren des großen Waldbrandes (W11)
- Barrierefreier Rundwanderweg Angelbecksteich
- Heidepanoramaweg
Etappe 13: Dehningshof - Celle
Further circular hiking trails
The circular hiking trails far away from the heath areas also offer a variety of scenic highlights:
- The Lüss-Jungle (W8)
- Wo die Wölfe ihre Fährten ziehen (W9)
- Dem Förster über die Schulter geschaut (W12)
- Im Skandinavien der Südheide (W13)
- Beim Hecht im Karpfenteich (W14)
- Wo Eisvogel und Fischotter sich "Gute Nacht" sagen (W15)
- Wasser und Sand (W17)
- Im Land der Esche (W19)
- Magische Orte längs des Weges (W20)
- Kühe in Halbtrauer (W21)
- Wo Jafelbach und Lachte sich küssen (W22)
- Im Himmelreich (W23)
enjoy unforgettable hiking experiences. Pilgrimages are becoming more and more popular, even among the most demanding hikers, who have no relation to pilgrimage itself, but simply want to hike along attractive, often historical paths. Because: Hiking makes you happy!
The accompanying brochure "Hiking Paradise South Heath" and further maps and brochures on the hiking offers in the South Heath can be obtained from the tourist information offices and the town halls of the communities in the Celle tourism region.
Hiking trails outside the nature park Südheide
Discover cultural treasures and unique nature also outside the nature park Südheide: around Wienhausen there are 5 theme trails.
Further information and tips on the tours through the Südheide can be found in the Celle Navigator region.
We invite you to enjoy the wonderful nature of the region Celle!