
Healthy diet: Eating vegan in the Lüneburg Heath

The vegan lifestyle

Places that serve vegan food in the Lüneburg Heath

One can hardly escape this new trend: In the supermarket, in restaurants, on the Internet, on television - everywhere we go, the nutritional trend of a vegan lifestyle is following us. 

Much more than a trend

But "being vegan" is much more than just a trend, it is a whole philosophy of life, a general attitude towards our fellow creatures that goes far beyond the boundaries of the kitchen. 
The reasons for choosing a vegan life are diverse. But one thing is a fact: Vegan is healthy! 
The biological whole-food vegan diet is scientifically proven to be the healthiest diet in the world. For many people, health (or initially illness) is the reason to switch to a vegan diet. What happens when you start to eat healthy and balanced vegan food is wonderful! One feels much more vital, healthy, strong, has much more energy. Many vegans describe a completely new joy of life, a radiance and a lightness, since they have been eating consciously in this way.

Vegan alternatives 

Whoever eats vegan food does not have to do without anything. There are many meat-free alternatives. A well-known Swedish furniture store will soon even be offering its famous meatballs in vegan. 
Also hosts in the Lüneburg Heath have prepared themselves for a vegan kitchen. 

List of vegan restaurants and cafés in the Lüneburg Heath:

Naturium im Barfußpark Egestorf, Ahornweg 7, 21272 Egestorf

Ringhotel Sellhorn, Winsener Str, 23, 21271 Hanstedt
Bio-Café im Naturhotel im Spöktal, Spöktal 1, 29646 Bispingen OT Steinbeck 
Markthalle Bienenbüttel, Bahnhofstraße 16, 29553 Bienenbüttel
Pott und Pann, Lüneburger Str. 1, 29549 Bad Bevensen
Bio-Restaurant lässig, Friedensreich-Hundertwasser-Platz 1, 29525 Uelzen

Café Samocca, Veerßer Straße 2, 29525 Uelzen
Restaurant Akzent Hotel Deutsche Eiche, Soltauer Strasse 14, 29525 Uelzen
Genuss Zentrale Soltau, Lüneburger Straße 2, 29614 Soltau
Zauberkessel Walsrode, Bergstraße 12, 29664 Walsrode
India House Lüneburg, Heiligengeiststraße 9, 21335 Lüneburg
Jim Curry Lüneburg (vegane Currywurst), Am Berge 51, 21335 Lüneburg
Annas Café Lüneburg, Salzstraße am Wasser 6 (Viskulenhof), 21335 Lüneburg
Loving Hut Lüneburg, Lünertorstr. 5, 21335 Lüneburg
Kaffeehaus Köstlich Lüneburg, Am Sande 44, 21335 Lüneburg
Soraya - die feine Küche Persiens, Lünertorstr. 18, 21335 Lüneburg

La Taverna - Am Stintmarkt 12, 21335 Lüneburg

Bell & Beans Glockenstraße 1a, 21335 Lüneburg

Landhotel Jann Hinsch Hof
- Bannetzer Str. 26, 29308 Winsen (Aller)