Summer in Lüneburg
Heath means being outside, as much as possible. This is because the warm, fresh
air, a sea of colours, and the balmy summer evenings awaken a wonderful feeling
for life in us!
Summer is
when the heather blossoms!
The warm scent
of heather flowers accompanies summer in Lüneburg Heath. When the heather blossoms
in August and September, the unique landscape radiates its own special charm. The
whole region is painted in vivid lilac of many millions of flowers, interrupted
by the rich green of juniper and pine, and the silvery white of the birch.
When does
the heather blossom? Follow the daily state of the heather blossom with our heather
Summer activities
in Lüneburg Heath
Summer in Lüneburg Heath invites you outside. Cyclists and walkers explore
the region and carriages make their way through the huge, car-free nature reserve.
Find a suitable footpath or jump
on your bike!
How about a
trip on one of the many heath rivers?
On very warm days, the natural waters are very tempting. The heather blossom is accompanied
by many festivals, farmers markets, and other events. Lüneburg Heath’s farm cafés
tempt you with a delicious piece of buckwheat cake.
Watching animals
and plants in Lüneburg Heath
is a diverse flora and fauna in the summer months. Every day the Heidschnucken sheep flocks roam the heathland. But, with a bit of luck,
even rarer heathland inhabitants can be seen, such as darter dragonflies, kingfisher,
black grouse, or black stork.