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Lüneburg Museum


©MARTIN BAEUML FOTODESIGN, Martin Bäuml Fotodesign
©16elements GmbH
©16elements GmbH
©MARTIN BAEUML FOTODESIGN, Martin Bäuml Fotodesign
©MARTIN BAEUML FOTODESIGN, Martin Bäuml Fotodesign

Lüneburg Museum opened its doors to visitors in March 2015. It originated from the merger of two museums: since then it has housed the exhibits of the Nature Museum (which closed in 2010) and the Museum of the Principality of Lüneburg.

It provides information on the nature, cultural history, and archeology of the region in seven sections. The common thread is the interaction between man and nature. With around 1,300 unique exhibits, the history of the town and region is told from antiquity to the 20th century.
