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Short Tour (2,1 km) Gaussian Measuring Points in the Mountainous Region of the South Heath

©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH

Course of the circular hiking trail

The short tour of the circular hiking trail W7 is 2.1 km long leading from the "Kalte Hofstube" car park to the south, along the edge of the forest, and after about half a kilometre entering the Breitenhorn forest area.

After another 400 m, a side path leads to Gaußstein. This part of the forest has the field name Lutterloher Heide, which indicates that in former times extensive heath areas could be found here. Back to the hiking trail we soon head north back to the starting point.

The short tour is marked with a small green circle next to the pictogram.
Route Profile
The hike takes us partly along narrow forest paths and sandy paths along extensive heathland areas and with a slight incline up to the hilltops.

Starting Point

The starting point for these three hikes is the car park "Kalte Hofstube" near Neulutterloh.

To to get to car park „Kalte Hofstube”

The "Kalte Hofstube" car park is located on the K 17 from Unterlüß in the direction of Hermannsburg approx. 2 km before Neu Lutterloh on the right-hand side at the edge of the forest.

Position: N 52° 49.85830', E 010° 15.63409'

Further information and tips on the tours of the hiking paradise Südheide can also be found at  Region Celle Navigator.