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©Museumsdorf Hösseringen
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Markus Tiemann Lueneburg
©Markus Tiemann Lueneburg
©Markus Tiemann Lueneburg
©Markus Tiemann Lueneburg
©Museumsdorf Hösseringen

Experiencing rural history

Right in the midst of the heart of Lüneburg Heath lies the museum village of Hösseringen - the agricultural museum of Lueneburg Heath at a place rich in tradition: the provincial parliaments of the principality of Lueneburg were held here from 1532 up to 1652.

The open-air museum houses 27 historic buildings from Lueneburg Heath which were moved little by little and restored with expert knowledge of the subject. Thus, the impression of an old village emerged.

With its residential buildings, workshops, stables, diverse agricultural implements and varied exhibitions, it invites visitors to take a trip back in time.

On their tour through the village and its different houses, visitors can learn and experience what life was like in the "good old times". Like when the crackling of the stove fire in the Kötnerhaus mingles with the smell of dung from the stable and the cackling of hens. The main building of the Bruemmerhof, a stable-cum-dwelling dating from 1644, shows the visitors what the farm of a big peasant looked like. Herbs and vegetables are growing in the affiliated garden, just as 100 years ago. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, there is no lack of a village pond with a cheerfully quacking and gabbling flock of ducks and geese and the flock of German moorland sheep.

The spacious heath area shows different stages of cultivation. Tthe craftsmen's quarter  offers an opportunity to visit the forge, the apiculture and the wheelwright's workshop.