
NATUROTEL Hotel Hof Tütsberg


©Christian Burmester
Außenansicht des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Zimmer im Haupthaus des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Hochzeitszimmer im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Doppelzimmer im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Restaurant im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Speisen des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Schänke im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Tagungsraum im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Lesezimmer im Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Auffahrt zum Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Heideblüte in der Lüneburger Heide
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Sauna des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Sauna des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
©Christian Burmester
Außenansicht der Schänke des Naturotel Hotel Hof Tütsberg in Schneverdingen
Hotel Hof Tütsberg
The specialty of this hotel: next to the unique nature the Verein Naturschutzpark e.V. - abbreviated VNP - offers you broad opportunities to experience the Lüneburg Heath.
You stay in a house of VNP, our restaurant offers delicacies from VNP self-produced food and for your heath experience the VNP provides good stuff as well: In HeideErlebniszentrum Undeloh and in the Heide Museum "Dat ole Huus" in Wilsede you can learn interesting and worth knowing facts about this unique area.

Out into nature. By bike, on horseback, on foot. At last breathe. Enjoy the time. Watch the Heisdschnucken (sheep) while picnicing. Dinner under the stars or close to the flickering fireplace tasting the fresh, creative country cuisine.


What makes the Hotel Hof Tütsberg so special?
The Hotel Hof Tütsberg is off the beaten track - an oasis of calm.
Imports of the nature reserve of the Lüneburg Heath, surrounded by forests and meadows. Absolute peace is guaranteed, the nearest road is 3 km away.

The heath area "Tütsberg" is just around the corner.
The country hotel is a former Heide-Hof, as from the picture book, which was first mentioned in 1592 in a document. The farm buildings have been extensively restored and today serve as a hotel.

From here you can immediately walk or cycle paths in the nature reserve Lüneburg Heath. The heathland Schneverdingens are easy to reach.

After Behringen approx. 7 km, to Schneverdingen approx. 13 km.


The Hotel Hof Tütsberg has a restaurant and 24 hotel rooms with direct views of nature. The comfort, double and single rooms are divided on the courtyard in the thatched main building, the Witte-Haus and the Apple House. Each of these houses and rooms has its own rural charm.

In front of the main house you can enjoy the sun on the outside of the good restaurant, while the children play in the playground opposite.

The hotel is also suitable for meetings and events. Tourists with a dog will feel very comfortable here.

- Our hotel has a meeting room that is about 85 m² and can accommodate up to 40 people.

- Our restaurant is divided into conservatory, restaurant, reading room and the fireplace room, where we have a total of about 80 seats. Enjoy specialties from the Heidschnucke and game from the region.

- The fresh, creative country kitchen is complemented with an extensive wine list with wines from organic winegrowers.

 - Our small wellness area has a sauna, a relaxation room and a sunbathing area to relax.

- A large garden where up to 60 people can enjoy the beautiful weather.

 - A stable with 20 boxes and three adjoining paddocks.

- Parking for free.


A bottle of water are free in all our rooms.
You are looking for standard facilities - our double rooms will be the perfect fit.
Staying in a cosy room with a bit more space the comfort room should be your choice.
Under the roof of the "Witte House" you will find our family room.

Our Guetshouses:
The main building of Hotel Hof Tütsberg...
  • Our thatched main buildng is the oldest one on the farm Tütsberg. In 1592, it was mentioned documentarily the first time. With one single room, three comfort and four double rooms under its roof and its cosy country atmosphere it will also exite you. Additionally, you will find the restaurant and the reception in this house

The "Witte House"...

  • The "Witte House" ist furnished in rustic country style and was renovated recently. It has one single room, one family room (4-5 persons), two small suites and seven double rooms. The Suites have modern facilities. The "Witte House" is around 40 m away from the main building. Here you can find also our modern conference room with diverse using possilities.

    It was named after the painter "Frido Witte" from Schneverdingen

    The "Appel House"...

  • The "Appel House" is the third in the band and is thatched as well as the main building. It sets a colourful course with its romantic modern style. Here you can find our cedar room as well as the honeymoon room (two unique comfort rooms), three double rooms and two more comfort rooms. Also a small sauna can be used.

    A culinary idea was the inspiration for the naming: Heinz Appel from Hannover  formed the definition of gourmet food. Additional he loved to walk in the Luneburg Heath.


Breakfast is included in the price
  • Halfboard 28 € per person / day
  • Halfboard for children  14,50 € per child / day
  • Besonderheiten

    Cedar and Honeymoon rooms

    If you like a special romantic style, these two rooms will be the best choice.

    Visit to the "Heidschnucken"

    One of 6 sheep herds of the VNP are based on Tütsberg farm.
    Our hotel guest are invited to look over the shoulder of shepherd Uwe Storm when the sheep are driven out or home.
    We are looking forward to welcoming you in our hotel
    Best wishes
    Your team of the Hotel Hof Tütsberg, Schneverdingen
