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Schneverdingen day trip: Mystical Pietzmoor (10.5 km)

©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Angela Kraft
©Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Thorsten Link
©Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Thorsten Link
©Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Thorsten Link
©Lüneburger Heide GmbH / Thorsten Link
The Schneverdingen hiking tour takes you to some unique natural sites around Schneverdingen. Along the route, you will see heathlands, Schneverdinger Heather Garden and Pietzmoor. This route is an insider tip for nature lovers.

The starting point is Höpen Heather Garden in Schneverdingen. The Heather Garden is a circuit encompassing about 130 different heather varieties and over 120,000 plants – at least one of them is sure to be in bloom at any time of the year!

From the Heather Garden you continue to Osterheide Conservation Area. You can amble through the extensive heathlands in serene tranquillity. In August and September, it is like walking on a carpet of purple flowers. Close to the Osterheide, you will find Schäferhof Hotel. Its large terrace invites you to take a leisurely break.

From Osterheide the route takes you to the nearby Pietzmoor, a raised bog at the gates of Schneverdingen. Pietzmoor is one of the most mystical places in Lüneburg Heath. It is particularly beautiful in spring when the cotton-grass is seeding and the white seed heads are reflected in the dark bog.

You can discover numerous animal and plant species in Pietzmoor, such as Sundew and various Dragonfly species. Boardwalks guide you through the mysterious wetland landscape. Information panels located along the boardwalks inform the visitor about the history and significance of this wetland.
