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Leuphana University of Lüneburg: The new Libeskind building

The Libeskind building is open - advance through knowledge


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©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
Lüneburg also has its "Elphi". Leuphana University of Lüneburg has opened the spectacular new Libeskind building.

Daniel Libeskind
has been immortalized in Lüneburg

The spectacular
construction was created according to the plans of the world-famous architect Daniel
Libeskind. The new centre of the University is an ideal place for combining study,
research and life, university and society.

Building - a milestone for Leuphana University

The new
Libeskind building pursues an aesthetic claim that stands for the entire model
of Leuphana University. Under President Sascha Spoun, the University has
developed in recent years into a modern institution and renewed its research
and teaching.

University is located on the site of a former military barracks. The modern
Libeskind building sets an architectural counterpoint to the core structures.

at the opening on March 11, Daniel Libeskind said: "For the new Leuphana
central building, I was inspired by the spirit of this University and I see the
Leuphana as an incubator for new ideas, innovation, research, and discovery - these
elements also penetrate the new building."

Guided tours of the Libeskind

Up to five
appointments per week are available.

An online
registration option is available at For telephone
applications the number is 04131/677 29 85.

In addition to free
guided tours on the scheduled dates, Leuphana also offers the possibility of a
building tour for groups of five or more on a specified date. This offer costs
10 Euros per participant. For booking inquiries, use the e-mail address