Healthy weight loss with interval fasting
Time out for the intestines - interval fasting is the trend
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH

Interval or intermittent fasting is very much in vogue. And rightly so. Because it keeps the weight in check, puts you in a good mood and regenerates the cells.
That sounds just perfect - you don't have to sacrifice anything, follow a special diet or count calories, and yet you can become healthier and slimmer. With the interval fasting this is absolutely uncomplicated and above all easy to realize on a long-term basis.
For example the 16:8 fasting...
For 8 hours you eat completely normal all the meals you need. After the 8 hours you stopp with bread, sweets and warm meals. This way you allow the organism and the metabolism a long break from digestion. 16 hours should be sufficient time for the digestive organs to clean. But even 14 hours are a success. It becomes easier if the night is integrated into the meal break. If the last meal takes place at 5 pm, there is time for breakfast at 9 am.
Time for the cleaning crew in the intestine
Our body is very well prepared to cope with a greater period of time between meals, because never before has food been so permanently available as it is today. The food culture has also changed. Just a few decades ago, the biscuit in between meals or the quick sausage on the hand were unthinkable. With our grandparents it was still said: Eat at the table. Not as stupid as it now turns out.
During these phases, when you don't eat, the body has the opportunity to cleanse the cells. Waste products are deposited there, like deformed protein. As long as the cell is busy because we are feeding it, the garbage just stays there.
Why just interval fasting?
This is ideal because it can be done by anyone. There are no known risks for this form of fasting. In addition, we can get used to these, actual natural food breaks and thus protect ourselves from many chronic diseases.
You would like to try it?
Here are the 5 most important questions about interval fasting
1. With a 16-hour fast, does it matter which meal I skip?
Basically, it does. However, physiologically speaking, dinner cancellation is the most beneficial. Since the bowel is then relieved for a long period during the night... In addition, the break is not so difficult because bedtime is included.
2. How does the 2-to-5 fast work exactly?
You have the great advantage of choosing days that fit perfectly into your diary. So without family meetings, invitations and the like. The days should also not be in a row. In the long run it makes sense to always choose the same weekdays. Then you may only consume around 500 calories on the fasting days. So it is not a zero diet. Carbohydrates in the form of bread, noodles, potatoes and sugar are avoided.
3. 500 calories on a fasting day - what can I eat?
Above all, you should eat a lot of liquids. Water, tea and vegetable broth. Protein-rich foods such as beans, peas and dairy products are particularly recommended. They prevent muscle breakdown and also provide you with many minerals and vitamins. Or use a small baking tray to bake your favourite vegetables - it's filling and low in calories.
4. Do I prevent the yo-yo effect with interval fasting?
This is one of the big advantages compared to pure fasting or radical diets - the yo-yo effect is eliminated. In addition, interval fasting can be done permanently.
5. Are there hidden traps?
Some drinks also have calories. Wine, beer, liquor & co. are not only a small meal, but they are often unfavorable, too. Alcohol causes craving, slows down the metabolism and blocks fat reduction. All sweetened drinks such as fruit juices and lemonades are also taboo. Even the beloved café latte with lots of soy milk is considered breakfast in Italy. Therefore water and tea without candy, honey or sugar are ideal. An espresso or a cup of black coffee, on the other hand, is expressly desired, because caffeine stimulates the cell repair mechanism.