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Uelzen: Pathway of the Stones

©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH

A special artistic attraction adorns the streets of Uelzen: the heath town already has one of the most beautiful railway stations in the world in the form of the station redesigned by Viennese artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser - and now the “Pathway of the Stones” created by German-Swedish artist Dagmar Glemme guides visitors from the station to the town centre.

If you follow the route from the station to the town centre, you will encounter 21 painted rock sculptures that are simply captivating due to their size and intensive colours. Numerous multi-coloured fabled creatures, gods of antiquity, mythological signs and symbols radiate vitality and joie de vivre. Each one of the figures weighs between two and eight metric tonnes, is up to 3.5 metres tall, has its own theme and tells its own story.

En route you will meet Iduna, the Icelandic goddess of love, in an encounter Phoenix, the "fire bird" (Stone of the Apple Goddess). One can fill up with new energy for daily life at the image of the evergreen world ash tree "Yggdrasil", the symbol for security and safety (Stone of Music).

The artist’s work is inspired by the myths and legends of ancient peoples. She wants her sculptures to encourage people to take heart and reflect on the hectic of daily life.

Viveca Bosson, internationally renowned art critic, refers to Glemme as a “modern shaman” whose creations radiate the primitive force of magical fascination: "Dagmar Glemme paints the wedding ceremonies of the shamans beneath a green sun, a blue moon and flying fish that symbolise energy, love and the soul. She transforms roots, mountains and rocks into magical bearers of meaning. The force of the depicted objects finds expression through her intense colours and she appears to act in agreement with the shamans."

Working together with Dagmar Glemme was a particular stroke of good fortune for the town of Uelzen. The artist and sculptor went to school in Uelzen. She got back in touch with her old home town through private connections and gifted the “Pathway of the Stones” to Uelzen.

Guided tours for groups by agreement: Touristinfo Uelzen, Tel. 0581-800 6172