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Quality Coachmen of Lueneburg Heath

Romantic carriage rides through Lueneburg Heath with insider knowledge from quality coachmen

©Lueneburger Heide GmbH
©Christian Wyrwa
©Christian Wyrwa
©Christian Wyrwa
©Christian Wyrwa
©Christian Wyrwa
©Dominik Ketz
©Partner der Lüneburger Heide GmbH

What distinguishes our quality coachmen on Lueneburg Heath?

A ride on a horse-drawn carriage across Lueneburg Heath is a very special experience. Hardly any other region offers such a diverse range of carriage rides.

Enjoy a leisurely ride through Lueneburg Heath nature reserve and Suedheide nature park. A carriage ride on one of our quality horse-drawn carriages should not be missing from your holiday on Lueneburg Heath.

Not only will the quality coachmen of Lueneburg Heath bring you to the most appealing places on the heath, they will also tell you how the heath came to be, the animal species it is home to and the many other things you can experience during your unforgettable holiday on Lueneburg Heath.

After all, only coachmen who have successfully undergone training in the fields of nature & culture, history & modern times, cuisine & anecdotes and many more are authorised to carry the title of Lueneburg Heath Quality Coachman.

Lueneburg Heath quality coaches stand out through

·  TÜV-certification

·  Horse health examinations

·  Extensive training in the fields of nature & culture, heath history, regional
    cuisine, current events and many more

·  Regular inspections by an independent inspection commission

How to recognise Quality Coachman of Lueneburg Heath:

·  Waistcoat stating "Qualitätskutscher Lüneburger Heide"

·  Name badge with quality emblem

·  "Qualitätskutscher" logo on the carriage

Find your local quality horse-drawn carriage operator here:

Departing from Amelinghausen/Schwindebeck

·  Kutschfahrten Dierßen, Tel: 05194 7556,, one wheelchair-compatible carriage with ramp, more info

Departing from Asendorf/Jesteburg

·  Travel With Horses Iris Schöndube, Tel: 04184 889628 more info

Departing from Bad Bevensen

·  Kutsch-+ Planwagenfahrten Bahlo, Tel: 05821-98980,

Departing from Behringen

·  Kutschwagenfahrten Annelore Bartels, Tel: 05194 2075

Departing from Brackel

·  Peter Homann, Tel: 04185 4476

Departing from Dalle

·  Europa-Kutsche/ TraumzeitHof Christine u. Jürgen Reimer, Tel. 05142-41950,, more info

Departing from Doehle

·  Britta Alpers, Exklusive Kutschfahrten, Tel: 04175 1066 o. 0160 - 415 25 48, more info

·  Dennis Dierking-Heidekutscher, Tel: 04172 6717 oder 0172-4220479, more info

·  Günter Wasner, Tel: 04175 569

·  Hugo Främbs, Tel: 04175 1439

Departing from Faßberg

·  Fam. Gabriel (Hotel Herrenbrücke), Tel: 0152-21024878,

Departing from Hanstedt

·  Kutschfahrten Rita und Horst Völker, Tel: 04184 7966

·  Travel With Horses Iris Schöndube, Tel: 04184 889628 more info

Departing from Hodenhagen

·  Kutsch und Planwagenfahrten Deppe, Tel: 05164 2149,

Departing from Misselhorner Heide, municipality of Suedheide

·  Heidekutscher Braun Planwagenfahrten und Schäferei, Barbara Morina-Braun Tel. 0176 41547152, Ulrike Reuter Tel. 01520 3317403 oder Fax 05051 91 22 44 more info
·  Kutschenzentrale Müden (Oertze), mobile phone 0172 4276508,

Departing from Mueden (Oertze)

·  Kutschbetrieb Hinrich Tewes, Tel. 0173 9839088,

·  Kutschenzentrale Müden (Oertze), mobile phone 0172 4276508,, one wheelchair-compatible covered wagon with ramp

Departing from Neulutterloh

·  Heidefahrten Gerd Krüger, Tel. 05827 1569 more info

Departing from Niederhaverbeck

·  Hillmers Kutschfahrten, Tel: 05198 210, more info

·  Kutschwagenfahrten Annelore Bartels, Tel: 05194 2075

·  Kutschfahrten Klaus Meyer, Tel: 05193 6491,, two wheelchair-compatible carriages with ramp more info

·  Kutschfahrten Herbert Meyer, Tel: 05198 707,

Departing from Oberhaverbeck

·  Gasthaus zum Naturschutzpark, Tel: 05194 7046,

·  Kutschfahrten Rudolf Quast, Tel: 05194 562

·  Heinz-Otto Hillmer, Tel: 05194 7235 more info

·  Kutschfahrten Marlies Baumbach, Tel: 05194 7240

·  Regina Jungemann, Tel: 05198 744

·  Kutschfahrten Dierßen, Tel: 05194 7556,, wheelchair-compatible carriage with ramp, more info

·  Kutschfahrten G. Lührs, Tel: 05198 268,

Departing from Oberohe

·  Paul Adams, Tel: 05827 5345,

Departing from Schneverdingen

·  Kutschfahrten Klaus Meyer, Tel: 05193 6491, two wheelchair-compatible carriages with ramp more info

·  Kutschfahrten Herbert Meyer, Tel: 05198 707,

·  Kutschfahrten G. Lührs, Tel: 05198 268,

Departing from Undeloh

·  Undeloher Hof, Tel: 04189 457,; one wheelchair-compatible carriage with lifting platform, one wheelchair-compatible carriage with ramp more info

·  Kutschbetrieb Matthias Heins, Tel: 04189 541, more info

·  Kutschbetrieb Dieter Wischhof, Tel: 04189 311, more info

·  Heinrich Hartig Kutschfahrten, Tel: 04189 422

·  Hof Schröder, Detlef Schröder Kutschfahrten, Tel: 04189 218,

·  Stefanie Mertens, Tel: 0171 5808440,

·  Kutschfahrten Rita und Horst Völker, Tel: 04184 7966

·  Cord Overbeck Kutschfahrten, Tel: 04189 246,

·  Peter Wasserberg, Tel: 0160 6562247

Departing from Unterluess

·  Kutschfahrten Krüger, Tel: 05827-1569

Departing from Volkwardingen

·  Kutschfahrten Dierßen, Tel: 05194 7556,, one wheelchair-compatible carriage with ramp, more info

·  Heinz-Otto Hillmer, Tel: 05194 7235 more info

·  Kutschfahrten Marlies Baumbach, Tel: 05194 7240

Departing from Walsrode

·  Landidyll Hotel Forellenhof, Tel. 05161 9700,